Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Juice Fast: Day Seven

AMAZING...is how I feel right now.  I'm a little shocked at how great I feel and how much energy I have.  In fact, yesterday I even went for a short miniscule jog.  I obviously still don't want to over exert myself, so when I say short it was literally half a mile.  I wish I would have been better at keeping a day by day record of exactly how I felt, but I just wanted to relax this weekend and not worry about anything since I have been going non-stop it seems like.  Sunday was a bit of a crazy day, helping my friend do a detox of her own...her CLOSET!  That was quite the task, but I'll save the details for another day.

One side effect of the detox are the breakouts from all the toxins that are leaving my body.  I kind of feel like a teenage boy right now, but it is what it is and the fact that I feel so great definitely trumps the brief breakout session.  I haven't had any hunger pains since Day 3, which blows my mind, because even when I was around other people eating it wasn't that hard.  Now granted, should they have been eating cake or some sort of chocolaty goodness, I might have had a brief moment of weakness.  One thing I can say for certain about this whole experience is that I'm PROUD of myself.  I have not wavered for one second on this fast and when I first started I only gave myself 4 days TOPS before I would cave.  GO WILLPOWER!  GO ME!!!

My juice recipes came to a screeching halt, because I felt like they were getting a little repetitive, but since my juicer comes today (SO EXCITED) I will be able to play around with things a little more.  Seeing as how I've already stocked up with the basic veggies(Carrots, Apples, Ginger, Kale, Beets, and Celery) that I need for the next 3 days of my fast, all I will need to do is go out and purchase smaller quantities of fruits and veggies that I want to experiment with.

Do you have any juice recipes that are tried and true, deliciousness?  Or just curious to have me make them to see if they are any good?  Let me know if you do and I'll make it then give my feedback.

One last thing....I am excited to announce that I have lost quite a bit of weight during this fast.  I am excited to share how much I have lost, however I want to wait and post the number at the end of the 10 days.  I'm already getting comments back from people about gaining the weight back when I start eating whole foods again.  I hope I don't, but if I do I have learned so much about myself through this experience and wouldn't have done anything different. 

Eat to Live, don't Live to Eat....that is what I'm teaching myself through this whole process.


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