Thursday, July 28, 2011

Juice Fast: Day Nine - One day to go!

One more day and I'm done! YAY!  My juicer finally came in on Tuesday Evening (right at the tale end of my juice fast...Typical!) and I LOVE it.  I save time, money, and gas by not having to drive to Whole Foods everyday.  Plus, my co-workers are so intrigued by me doing this, that one has even considered trying it (he is a huge health nut like me).  I usually pour them all small glasses so they can try my juices and they actually REALLY like them!

This girl..yeah me, right here is a complete dork and decided to document her first ever juicing event with my new Breville Juicer, so I snapped a few pictures to share.

Disclaimer: these are not my counter tops, these picture were taken at my office. :)

Here she is all clean and pretty!  She won't be like this for long.

Two speeds which is great for different types of fruits and veggies.

Yes, all of that goes into one glass!

A whole apple will fit down the chute, but I still like to cut them up.

Green Apples, Beet, Kale, and Carrot...YUM!

Think of all those vitamins and nutrients in this one glass.  Health in a glass!!!

The fact that I have as much energy as I do and that the hunger pains are completely gone still astounds me.  It convinces me that we feed our bodies WAY more than they need on a day to day basis to survive.

Tomorrow is the big reveal of my results, so be sure and stop back by.



  1. So jealous! You got the mother of juicers lol congrats;) when I'm done breastfeeding I'm going to start mine.

  2. Andi, I found a coupon online for 20% off, so it made it worth the while. It is a fantastic juicer, that is for sure.
